IMG 0305

Pupil Parliament

At Eton Park, we believe that we should give every member of our community a voice to make positive change within our school.

To help embed the idea of 'Choosing Wisley' we set up our Pupil Parliament in Autumn Term 2023.

Our Parliament is made up of two 'Houses' reflecting the structure of the UK democratic system and embedding the British Value of Democracy.

Our Lords are experts in the particular area that they represent (shown below) and are selected and invited to sit in the Parliament for an academic year.

Parliament   Lords

Each of our eight classes then vote for and elect a 'Member of Parliament' to represent their views and opinions at each of our Parliament sessions - they form our House of Commons.

Every 1/2 Term, a Parliament Session takes place, where all members are given the opportunity to voice the views of the group that they represent and debate the ideas and issues that are relevant to our school community at the time.

Our Speaker of the House (Mrs Taylor) will then draw each session to a close with asking the Parliament to vote on one of the debates that has been held in order to take these proposals to Mrs Shaw, who in the capacity of our 'Monarch' will officially sign off on any change or suggestion that has been agreed.