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Curriculum Principles

Underpinning everything that we do at Lansdowne Infants and Eton Park is the idea of maximising learning, through Working Hard, Being Kind and Choosing Wisely.

The central aims of our curriculum will be high pupil standards, high equity and high enjoyment.

We aim to offer all pupils a great education.

We will offer an inclusive curriculum and look to overcome all barriers that prevent pupils from succeeding.

The National Curriculum will form a part of our whole school curriculum. We will take autonomy for our school curriculum and for the way we plan for and deliver the National Curriculum. Our school curriculum will be enriched by an increasing opportunity for pupils to be involved in before and after-school activities and opportunities to be involved in the local community.

We will have the highest expectations of all learners. There will be no ceiling set for the performance of any pupil. So we will set ambitious, aspirational targets for the continual improvement of all learners. We will always look for suitable and appropriate opportunities to stretch and challenge every pupil and to increase their cultural capital.

We believe in assisting pupils to develop deep, secure understanding. We will therefore allow them to study at a pace that enables the formulation of a robust understanding of central ideas; key concepts; key bodies of knowledge; and fundamental skills. We will abide by the maxim ‘less is more’ and may cover fewer items, but we will do so in much greater depth. Our aim in doing so will be to ensure that all units of learning have a high impact on pupils’ development.

Pupils will be supported to master fundamental concepts in subjects. The curriculum will not be delivered at an undue pace, with teachers moving on to the ‘next thing’ too quickly.

Our curriculum will be broad and balanced. We will not allow English and mathematics to dominate the school timetable and the learning time that is available. We will, however, continually look for meaningful opportunities for pupils to apply the skills and knowledge they have learnt in English and mathematics in other subject areas, such as written responses in history and geography and arithmetic skills in science.

We are committed to offering as many high-quality opportunities in sport, music and the creative arts, including dance and drama, as our financial capacity allows.

All staff will seek out relevant and meaningful opportunities to develop pupils’ social, moral, cultural and spiritual understanding when teaching all subjects. We come together as a school community each morning in assembly to reinforce our school values.

At Lansdowne Infant and Eton Park, Work Hard, Be Kind, Choose Wisely is more than just a motto, it threads through everything that we aspire to be. Perseverance, Courage, Improvement, Patience, Respect, Compassion, Honesty, Self-Control and Politeness are the traits that we articulate daily, from our reward and sanctions to making discrete links within our curriculum.

For further information regarding the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, please visit the following website page: 

National CurriculumIf you would like further information about the school curriculum please email the school:

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