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The safety and wellbeing of children at Eton Park is always our priority.  If you have any concerns about a pupil at Eton Park please contact a member of the safeguarding team listed below. 

Safeguarding poster July 2023

Our safeguarding team is:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Claire Shaw(Principal)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead: James Cassidy (Vice pricipal)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead: Claire Plimmer (SENCO)

Our school has established and maintains an ethos where pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk, are listened to and are safe. Children at our school are able to talk to any member of staff if they are worried or concerned about something.

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding our pupils. We recognise that our staff play a particularly important role as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. All staff are encouraged to maintain curiosity when working with children and young adults.

All staff and regular visitors will, through training and induction, know how to recognise indicators of concern, how to respond to a disclosure from a child and how to record and report this information. 

Throughout our curriculum and pastoral support programmes, we provide activities and opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to identify risks and stay safe. This will also be extended to include material that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills. We have a programme of PSHE, and deliver a range of safeguarding related workshops, including from the NSPCC, PCSO, and CEOP. The pastoral team also deliver a programme of Emotional Coaching Mentoring that supports mental health needs. Children receive assemblies around risk, contextual safeguarding issues and keeping yourself safe. We put pupil voice at the centre of what we do, listening to and working with the School Council.

At all times we will work in partnership and endeavour to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and colleagues from other agencies in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Our values are underpinned by Keeping Children Safe in Education.


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Making a Difference

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Our staff were all ready to end National Science Week in style yesterday. The students and staff all represented their version of ‘science and scientists’ in many imaginative ways.
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Thank you so much for a wonderful experience for our Upper Key Stage 2 children. Lots of talk about the excitement to do science at next year for our year 6s! 😊
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Twitter / @etonparkjunior
Last Friday we took 3 teams of children to compete at a Gymnastics competition . They represented our school family brilliantly and did us all proud, learning some skills that some couldn’t do just a couple of weeks ago and performing them brilliantly!
Twitter / @etonparkjunior
We had a great time celebrating Mother Language Day! It was great seeing so many demonstrating different languages and cultures through what they wore. We explored different languages, shared our spoken languages and understood the risk of some languages and cultures disappearing
Twitter / @etonparkjunior
Before half term, all the children had a fabulous day using their science and artistic skills to explore the wonder of space. The children were able to experience a Wonderdome and explore the solar system through a planetarium show and through a range of different activities.
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We are so excited to have in school today. Each child is going to receive a fully immersive space experience as part of our Space Day.
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Check out our most amazing learning journey displays! Miss Spencer and her class have clearly loved their learning this term!
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🎨✨ Expressing yourself through art is a beautiful thing! 🌈 We're absolutely blown away by the incredible pieces the pupils at Eton Park Junior School have created. Keep shining, little artists! 💫
Twitter / @etonparkjunior
🎨✨ Expressing yourself through art is a beautiful thing! 🌈 We're absolutely blown away by the incredible pieces the pupils at Eton Park Junior School have created. Keep shining, little artists! 💫
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Twitter / @etonparkjunior
Today, we celebrated . The children took part in various activities in their classrooms. We also learnt about the importance of developing good screen habits.
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Our favourite meetings are with our Trust Student Leadership Team! To see students from all of our schools working together is always delightful and we love the ideas that they come up with. It was a pleasure to have with us to look at ideas for future projects!
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Our favourite meetings are with our Trust Student Leadership Team! To see students from all of our schools working together is always delightful and we love the ideas that they come up with. It was a pleasure to have with us to look at ideas for future projects!
Twitter / @etonparkjunior
On Monday, we celebrated World Religion Day. The classes mixed together to come together to learn about and celebrate other religions. There was so much vibrant discussion, learning and respect happening and we were so proud of all of our children.
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On Tuesday, we were visited by . James worked with our Eco Warriors and MPs to understand our energy and how to reduce our use of gas and electricity in school.
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We would love to share with you our latest exciting installation in school, a multipurpose set of outdoor canopies that Mrs Taylor worked tirelessly to gain the funding for from the Multi Academy Trust. A huge thank you to Mrs Taylor for all of her hard work
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Well done to our Year 5’s who curated their own Viking Exhibition project. They researched, wrote, drew and presented the information independently and did a wonderful job!
Twitter / @etonparkjunior
We had a magical morning at St Chad’s Church with for our first Christingle service. It was great to be together as one family. The children’s behaviour and singing was impeccable and they did us all proud! Thank you to St Chad’s Church for a lovely service.
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